FAQs and Links

Frequently Asked Questions ?

Here are some answers to commonly asked questions. If you still don't find the informtion you are looking for, please contact us.

  • What should I bring on my child's first day?

Each child should have a named drinking bottle containing water, an optional waterproof St Peter’s drawstring bag containing Wellington boots, a spare pair of pants, socks and clothing in case of accidents. Spare nappies and nappy sacks (if applicable). Please ensure that all items are clearly named.  We recommend that your child dresses in easily washed clothes with easy fittings and sensible shoes or trainers.  In summer we request that children bring in named sun hats and that an all day sun cream is applied before the session. Staff can only re-apply if a bottle of suncream is named and in their bag. We are now able to offer parents the chance to purchase our high quality polo shirt & sweatshirt embroidered with the St Peter’s logo, which also solves the problem of what to wear to pre-school!

  • Is my child eligible for free childcare?

All 3 and 4 year olds are entitled to 15 hours of free education for 38 weeks of the year.

Government funding for eligible children is available from the school term that commences after your child's 3rd birthday. In addition to this, some 2 year olds may also qualify for this free funding. More information on this can be found on the West Berkshire Council website. http://info.westberks.gov.uk/freechildcare3and4

We are now accepting the 30 hours free childcare funding. Find out if your child is eligible by visiting the Childcare Choices website.

  • What does a typical day at pre school look like?

Take a preview at this document to see what the new daily routine looks like for the Spring term.

  • How will I be informed about my child's progress at pre school?

Each term you will receive feedback on how well your child is developing along with targets for your child to achieve in order for them to make good progress in their learning. 

Useful Links

Bradfield Primary School

Bradfield Parish

Rushall Farm

Local Offer

Ofsted - http://www.ofsted.gov.uk/


Family train tickets

Farm visit