Opening Times
Morning Sessions
Monday to Friday - 9:15am to 12 noon
Afternoon Sessions
Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday - 12.30pm to 3.00pm
Lunch Club
Monday,Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday - 12 noon to 12.30pm
From 2 ½ years until the child becomes eligible for the Nursery Education Grant the current fee is £6.00 per hour. There is also a snack charge of £1 per morning session which goes towards a healthy snack for the children.
Free Childcare entitlement are available in the term after your child’s third birthday until they are five years of age. This grant covers the cost of up to 15 hours per week for 38 weeks of the year. If your family are eligible, you can also claim for the 30 hours free childcare. Any additional time will be charged at an hourly rate of £6.00
The Pre-School runs a lunch club on Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday from noon to 12.30pm. The lunch club charge is £4.00. You are required to sign up for the whole term. This is non-refundable. Parents must provide a packed lunch for their child. Your child can join St. Peter’s Pre-School at the beginning of any term or the beginning of any half term, except October.
A £25 administration fee is required to secure your child's place in Preschool.
We have recently introduced an incentive scheme. If you are referred by a current family, you will not be charged an administration fee and the current family will receive half a terms free snack.
We have also found it is necessary to introduce a voluntary consumables fee. Please consider making a donation each week of £1 or £2 or £3 to cover the cost of craft materials and toiletries.
Term Dates
Academic Year 2024/2025
New term dates are set at the end of March each year.
Term | Start Date | End Date |
Term 1 | Monday 15th April 2024** | Friday 24th May 2024 |
Term 2 | Monday 3rd June 2024 | Friday 19th July 2024* |
Term 3 | Wednesday 4th September 2024** | Friday 25th October 2024 |
Term 4 | Monday 4th November 2024 | Tuesday 17th Decmeber 2024* |
Term 5 | Monday 6th January 2025* | Friday 14th February 2025 |
Term 6 | Monday 24th Febuary 2025 | Friday 2nd April 2025* |
**am session and lunch club only. Finish at 12.30pm
* am session only. Finish at 12pm
St Peter's Pre-School, Southend Road, Bradfield Southend,Berkshire, RG7 6EU
Ofsted registration number 508013
Tel : 0118 974 4000